FT Island

Ok so after I watched YAB I have also started downloading songs from this Kband where Hongki-oppa who starred as Jeremy in YAB is the vocalist of the group. He's cute and has a very sweet smile too. But fact is he is still 19 years old. Darn. I feel so old just because they are so young.hahahaha. His band mates are under the range of 17-20. But they are a sweet and handsome looking bunch. I like their songs a lot. I think my favorite so far is I hope and Raining. 'Raining' is their japanese single. And they actually shot their music video for it here in Cebu during the typhoon Ondoy. They were actually here last september 25, 2009. I can't believe I did not know them back then and that it was an opportunity missed! I hope they come to Cebu again. =) So here are some of their photos.

Now, its time for Hongki-oppa to shine!!! I so love his smile. Its pure and lovable. =) Though I cannot decide whether he looks good with blond hair or brunette. But whatever his hair color may be, I still think he's hot either way.