Since after seeing YAB last year I have gotten hooked to asian dramas. Not that I have not been addicted to it before, but this time around the fever has gotten an all time high! Seriously. I am infected with the asian drama virus. I thought that after a month's time it would subside but apparently I was wrong. Last December I found YAB and I was instantly head over heels over it. I found lots of bishies and I went crazy over them til the end of January (this is what happens when you are single and lonely, I tell you). By Feb., the fever was lying low, since I had another crazy thing going on. I was totally TRYING to cure myself of it, but I did the unthinkable. Instead of CURING myself, I INFECTED myself with the virus all the more! Sounds crazy huh? Well I am one crazy person, well more like a crazy fan girl *crazy evil laugh*. >=D
So here's a list of what I have been obsessing about for the past few months:
1. You're Beautiful (YAB)
A beautiful love-comedy that would surely keep you wanting for more! And I definitely want MORE. \(^0^)/
2. Hi My Sweetheart Another love-comedy with a tinge of spice. Its full of funny and crazy antics that makes you laugh and cry at the same time. Definitely worth the watch!
3. Take care of the young lady Still another love-comedy that I have yet to finish. And in it stars my idol Eun Yoon Hye in flaming red hair! She is just so HOT in red. ahahaha A fourth away through the series and I am loving it!
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