Thursday, July 2, 2009

A day on the road

In our present time, I have witnessed a ton of road crashes and it makes you wonder why that is. Well, if you are a driver then you should know the reason why. A lot of drivers now a days are irresponsible and reckless. They do not know how to follow traffic signs nor do they give way to others on the road. I bet most of them think that they are high and mighty on the road. Well that's just down right wrong. Tons of people litter the road and road sides and being undisciplined on the road could mean the life of a person, or even your own. I as a newbie driver have seen these events and it is frightening just being on the same road as they are even while inside my own car. Three days ago I witnessed a truck and an armored car collide in the reclamation area. The armored truck was hit smack dab at the driver's side and sustained a huge amount of damage. It was horrifying as it was sad to look at. All I could do then was watch and pray for both parties during the collision.
At a glance, it makes you wonder whose fault it was. While most onlookers and passers-by make conclusions as to who was at fault. But you see, in road crashes like this, there is really no who's who, because both parties were at fault. Why is that both are at fault you say? The answer is simple. Both drivers lack discipline. It is a drivers responsibility to have discipline while on the road. It helps prevent road crashes and it can also save a life. So the next time you venture onto the hi-way or whatever road you take, remember to be a responsible driver and think of others. Who knows, the life you might save maybe yours.

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