Friday, September 11, 2009

A month as a call girl

It has been a month since I entered the working world as a call center agent. It has been so far an experience worth trying. I have lived day by day striving and trying my best to cram so much alien info into my already wilted of a brain matter. It was like a walk in the park for the first week even though I was on graveyard shift for the Nth time since I could remember. But I'm not one to complain on that since it pays MORE. Hooray for night diff! And not only that, the extra perks I get from it was worth it. Weight loss was a welcome benefit. Yipee! But all was not just easy breezy came the week after. The next five days was ok. It was bearable for my brain cells. It was the week after that, where all hell broke loose and I feel like I would die from nosebleed. Really. It was like my brain went *poof* and then all was a blurr. I totally couldn't remember what hit me that first day of hell week. I was so drained afterwards. I wanted to quit the next day. But ever since I was forced into taking the board exam last june and due to extenuating circumstances, I'm no longer a quitter. I became a renewed person, desperate and hungry for financial and social stability. Ever since then, my motto in life became "FAILING IS NEVER AN OPTION" from "I DON'T REALLY CARE IF I FAIL". The carefree and free spirited me became a stoic career woman. Since then, "bum life" was a thing of the past. Everything has become hectic, crucial, and deadly for survival. But friends and colleagues make it worth thriving for. Its hell, but it was full of mirth and excitement. Well, hell week will be over soon. Too soon, I'm afraid. Training will be over and the real battle begins on the floor! Heaven help us!

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