Friday, September 11, 2009

Moving on

It took me three long years and 7 agonizing months to finally break free from a bondage that I self- inflicted upon my unfortunate soulless self. I couldn't believe the hellish escapades that I went through just to gain freedom from my prison. In those long years I have kept my heart in a cage and anchoring it to the person whom I thought I could con myself into loving for all eternity. That was a big lie. A lie I kept telling myself a thousand times. Eternity was a pain. Love is for losers. Bitter is what I am now. But bitter as I am, I am slowly and surely moving on. Not in circles anymore, but straightforward. I'm taking tiny steps in learning to let go of what is GOOD for something BETTER. I know I should have done that a long time ago but I was blinded by stupidity then, to even realize that the BETTER that I was looking for was right there in front of my face, and I let it pass me by. I have lost the opportunity to grab at what was BETTER because I settled for the GOOD. Now, as I move on, free from my prison, I am no longer looking for what is BETTER. I have given up on that because now, BETTER is not enough for someone like me. Now I am looking for what is BEST. I mean, why settle for anything less right? When you can have only the BEST. So right now, I'm no longer putting myself in chains. I am moving head on. It feels way better to have done so. It still stings, I must admit, but the relief I feel right now is beyond the stinging of regret that I feel. So I'm guessing that's a start. Letting go is indeed hard, but acceptance of what is lost, irreplaceable, and unforgettable, is even harder. And I am slowly moving up that ladder of self actualization. Its a long way, but I'm sure enough I can reach it. So goodbye to what was and hello to what is and will be. I'm moving forward, this time, no turning back and no regrets. =)

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