I was reading a manga and there was this part wherein they were talking about a legend of a rose. As I was reading it, I suddenly had an impulse to write something down myself. I thought of how that legend of a rose came to be and my imagination just went and gone to lala land. I thought of conjuring up my own "legend" or so. Then I had temporary writers block even though my imagination has gone hay wire at the moment. So, in lieu of that legend thing, I thought of writing something else that is some what close to that theme.

But have you ever wondered what fairy tales are? If they were just a figment of our imagination or whether they have a solid base of fact in them? I never did thought of such things. What I thought and believed of what "fairy tales" are, are that they are neither made up nor factual in a sense. They are simply what you believe them to be. They are life's stories.
Life may not be all rainbows and pots of gold, I admit that. But then again, not every fairy tale starts with a tranquil meadow and a sunny atmosphere. Some fairy tales starts with a tragic beginning such as The
Happily ever afters seldom occur in life. Not everyone was born to be Alice nor endowed with a princess' right. Still, I believe that eventually happily ever afters occur in one's life time. May you become Alice or a princess in the end depends entirely upon you. That is the magic you, yourself, brings forth to make your dreams a reality. That magic is called "choice".
A single choice has power beyond our imaginations. That power can either make or break you. So choosing is a fairly difficult task to accomplish. You could say that they are life's puzzles that you have to unravel to be able to use its magic. The more you solve, the more magic you gain.
This so called magic is what fills each page of your fairy tale book. It creates what you call "chapters" in your story. Each chapter is filled with magic and it recreates the scenes in your life like a vivid film continuously playing in the background. And ultimately, you have become the author of your life. An author worthy of a legacy called "existence".
Writing your life's escapades is always full of fun and excitement. You never know what will happen next. The thrill of not knowing is life's guilty pleasures. It gives you the needed amount of fear and thrill that you deserve. So enjoy the feel of every moment and live.
Unlike just merely opening a book to read, writing your very own story is much more gratifying and exciting. So start now. Write. Live. Love. And live happily ever after.